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Zip Code 41563 Map And Demographics

Zip Code 41563 Demographics

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Comparing zip codes typically involves analyzing various factors such as location, demographics, average income, real estate values, population density, and amenities within the areas they represent. For example, urban zip codes may have higher population densities and diverse amenities compared to rural zip codes, which may feature lower populations and more open space. Additionally, zip codes can reflect socioeconomic trends, with some areas experiencing growth while others may be declining. Specific comparisons can be made using tools like demographic studies, real estate databases, and community profiles.

Zip Code 41563 Business Counts by Industry

Industry Type Count
Total of all sectors 6
Wholesale Trade 2
Retail Trade 1
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 1
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 1
Transportation and Warehousing 1

Zip Codes Near 41563

Zip Code City County Distance
41534 Hellier Pike 4.36 ml
24228 Clintwood Dickenson 6.64 ml
41537 Jenkins Letcher 7.25 ml
41572 Virgie Pike 7.57 ml
41835 Mc Roberts Letcher 8.01 ml
41810 Cromona Letcher 9.78 ml
41560 Robinson Creek Pike 10.37 ml
41840 Neon Letcher 10.41 ml
24226 Clinchco Dickenson 10.53 ml
41825 Jackhorn Letcher 10.63 ml