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Zip Code 46218 Population

Population breakdown by gender

Population in zip code 46218 is 30,516 residents | Male to Female ratio is 1:1.15 | Zip Code 46218 land area is 9.4351 sq. miles | Population density is 3,234.31 residents per square mile

Median age in zip code 46218

  Median Age
Zip Code Median Age 36
Median Age - Male 34.1
Median Age - Female 38.6

Median age of zip code 46218 is 5.3% higher compared to nearby zip codes and 3.2% lower compared to the United States median age. Comparing gender-specific madian age yields the following results. Male median age of zip code 46218 is 2.1% higher compared to nearby zip codes and 4.7% lower compared to the United States male median age. Female zip code 46218 median age is 10.6% higher in comparison to nearby zip codes and 0.3% higher compared to female national median age average.

Population breakdown by age

Racial makeup of zip code 46218

White population 6311
Black or African American population 22879
Asian population 187
American Indian and Alaska Native population 33
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander population 0
Other population 308

Region of birth

Zip code 46218 ancestry distribution

Arab 0% Czech 0%
Danish 0.1% Dutch 0.4%
English 1.3% French No Basque 0.3%
French Canadian 0% German 4%
Greek 0% Hungarian 0%
Irish 3.3% Italian 0.5%
Lithuanian 0% Norwegian 0.1%
Polish 0.2% Portuguese 0%
Russian 0.2% Scotch-Irish 0.3%
Scottish 0.4% Slovak 0%
Subsaharan African 1.6% Swedish 0.1%
Swiss 0.1% Ukrainian 0%
USA 4.7% Welsh 0.1%
West Indian No Hispanic Groups 0% Other Ancestries 61.5%

Family type by presence of children under 18 by age in zip code 46218

Family Type Distribution
Total families 7162
Married couples 40.03%
Other couples 59.97%

Family and household income distribution in zip code 46218

  Family income (%) Household income (%)
$30,000 or less 53.99% 56.75%
$30,000 and $50,000 23.29% 23.68%
$50,000 and $100,000 17.51% 15.5%
$100,000 and $200,000 4.75% 3.61%
$200,000 or more 0.46% 0.47%

Households by size in zip code 46218

Household language in zip code 46218

English language 95.84%
Spanish language 3.1%
Other European language 0.26%
Asian language 0.58%
Other language 0.22%

Population by housing unit in zip code 46218

Total Occupied housing units 12031
Detached housing units 79.89%
Attached housing units 6.51%
2 units 1.6%
3 - 4 units 4.95%
5 - 9 units 2.54%
10 - 19 units 1.93%
20 - 49 units 1.16%
50 or more units 0.79%
Mobile homes 0.65%
Boats, RVs, Vans 0%

Means of transportation to work in zip code 46218

Use car, track or Van 87.35%
Use public transportation 9.89%
Use Motorcycle 0.11%
Use bicycle 0.37%
Walk to work 0.97%
Work at home 1.31%

School attendance in zip code 46218

Attent Preschool programs 3.72%
Attend Public School 19.59%
Attend college undergraduate program 4.47%
Attent graduate studies 0.54%
Not enrolled in school 71.67%

Highest school attainment in zip code 46218

Less then 9th grade 7.01%
Grade 9 to 12, no diploma 20.1%
High school diploma 36.58%
Some college, no degree 22.56%
Associate degree 6.12%
Bachelor's degree 7.1%
Graduate or professional degree 0.54%

Real Estate in zip code 46218

Housing occupied 76.38%
Housing vacant 23.62%
Housing occupied by owner 50.64%
Housing occupied by tenant 49.36%
Total Rented Units 5939
Median Contract Gross Rent $536
Median Gross Rent $735
Median Home Value $61,700

Contract rent is the monthly cash rent agreed to, regardless of any furnishings, utilities, fees, meals, or services that may be included. Gross rent is the contract rent plus the estimated average monthly cost of utilities and fuels if these are paid by the renter. In zip code 46218 median gross rent is 37.13% larger then the median contract rent.

Average estimated apartment rent in zip code 46218

Studio $540
1 Bedroom $620
2 Bedrooms $740
3 Bedrooms $960
4 Bedrooms $1,010

Average rent in zip code 46218 ($774.00) is 2% higher compared to nearby zip codes and 17.2% lower compared to the average rent in the US. The following illustrates how zip code 46218 rent compares to the nearby zip code rents by unit type: studio apartment rent is 2.4% higher, one bedroom apartment rent is 1.8% higher, two bedroom rent is 2% higher, three bedroom rent is 2.4% higher, four bedroom rent is 1.7% higher.

Housing units in zip code 46218

Total housing units 15752
Detached housing units 78.17%
Attached housing units 8.19%
2 units 1.53%
3 - 4 units 4.61%
5 - 9 units 2.63%
10 - 19 units 1.86%
20 - 49 units 1.29%
50 or more units 0.64%
Mobile homes 1.07%
Boats, RVs, Vans 0%

Real Estate taxes paid in zip code 46218

Total Real Estate Taxes $4,284,000
Real estate taxes paid for units with a mortgage $2,541,500
Real estate taxes paid for units with no mortgage $1,742,500

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