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Zip Code 80207 Map And Demographics

Zip Code 80207 Demographics

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Denver vs. Zip Code 80207 Comparative Analysis

2.16% of Denver residents live in zip code 80207. The average male population in Denver is 35.87% higher then the male population of zipcode 80207. The average female population in Denver is 15.63% higher then the female population of zipcode 80207. The largest racial group in zip code 80207 is white with 45.59%. Most residents occupy detached units with 29.89% of the total population of Denver.
The ratio of married to non-married couples in zip code 80207 is 1:0.65. This compares to the married to non-married couples ratio of 1:0.43 in Denver. The highest number of families in zip code 80207 earn $50,000 to $100,000. The highest number of families in Denver earn $50,000 to $100,000.
The highest number of households in zip code 80207 earn $30,000 or less. The highest number of households in Denver earn $50,000 to $100,000. The largest household size in zip code 80207 is 2 people per household in comparison to that of 1 person in Denver. Most residents of zip code 80207 speak English as their first language with Spanish being the second most spoken language. The same language statistics apply to Denver.
Most residents of zip code 80207 (74.78 percent) use car, track or van to go to work. Most residents of Denver also use car, track or van to go to work with 83.2 percent.
26.86% of the residents of zip code 80207 attend school. The school attendance in Denver is 26.02%. Please note: this comparison does not take into account population age of the area being analyzed. Areas with older population will generally have a smaller school attendance rate.
Real Estate
Owner to tenant house occupancy ratio in zip code 80207 is 1:0.49. The average owner to tenant house occupancy ratio in Denver is 1:0.87. The largest number of housing units in zip code 80207 (73.66 percent) are detached unit residences. Most housing units in Denver are detached unit residences with 48.58 percent.

Zip Code 80207 Rankings

The table shows the top 5 positions of zip code 80207 on our zip code ranking charts. For example, a rank of 10 means that a zip code ranks #10 on the list of the top zip codes in America for a particular value. The lists were created for all zip codes in America with the population of 1000 residents or higher.

Rank Report Value
#1,072 Top Zip Codes With The Highest Percentage Of People Who Use Public Transportation 12.09%
#1,283 Top Zip Codes With The Highest Percentage Of People Who Ride Bicycles To Work 1.60%
#1,652 Top Zip Codes With The Highest Percentage Of People Who Work From Home 4.49%
#1,993 Top Zip Codes With The Largest Population Density 4,554
#2,018 Top Zip Codes With The Highest Percentage Of Females 53.85%

Zip Code 80207 Business Counts by Industry

Industry Type Count
Total of all sectors 394
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 51
Other Services (except Public Administration) 43
Retail Trade 41
Wholesale Trade 39
Accommodation and Food Services 34
Construction 31
Manufacturing 28
Health Care and Social Assistance 26
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 21
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 21
Transportation and Warehousing 16
Finance and Insurance 14
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 10
Educational Services 9
Information 8
Management of Companies and Enterprises 2

Zip Codes Near 80207

Zip Code City County Distance
80230 Denver Denver 0.75 ml
80224 Denver Denver 0.87 ml
80222 Denver Denver 1.12 ml
80220 Denver Denver 1.38 ml
80246 Denver Denver 1.5 ml
80231 Denver Denver 2.13 ml
80206 Denver Denver 2.9 ml
80010 Aurora Arapahoe 2.96 ml
80209 Denver Denver 3.23 ml
80210 Denver Denver 3.3 ml