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Zip Code 85247 Map And Demographics

Zip Code 85247 Demographics

See all zip code 85247 population (race and age distribution, housing, education, family, transportation...)

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Sacaton vs. Zip Code 85247 Comparative Analysis

The highest number of families in zip code 85247 earn $200,000 or more. The highest number of families in Sacaton earn $200,000 or more.
The highest number of households in zip code 85247 earn $200,000 or more. The highest number of households in Sacaton earn $200,000 or more. The largest household size in zip code 85247 is 26people per household in comparison to that of 6 people in Sacaton. Most residents of zip code 85247 speak Asian as their first language with Other European language (excluding English or Spanish) being the second most spoken language. The same language statistics apply to Sacaton.
Please note: this comparison does not take into account population age of the area being analyzed. Areas with older population will generally have a smaller school attendance rate.
Real Estate

Zip Code 85247 Business Counts by Industry

Industry Type Count
Total of all sectors 24
Manufacturing 7
Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services 3
Retail Trade 3
Wholesale Trade 3
Health Care and Social Assistance 2
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 2
Other Services (except Public Administration) 2
Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction 1
Educational Services 1

Zip Codes Near 85247

Zip Code City County Distance
85249 Chandler Maricopa 7.97 ml
85242 Queen Creek Maricopa 10.38 ml
85236 Higley Maricopa 10.88 ml
85248 Chandler Maricopa 11.22 ml
85296 Gilbert Maricopa 12.04 ml
85224 Chandler Maricopa 13.32 ml
85225 Chandler Maricopa 14.15 ml
85233 Gilbert Maricopa 14.52 ml
85212 Mesa Maricopa 14.52 ml
85221 Bapchule Pinal 14.86 ml